Anticorruption Law
DOI: 10.21070/jihr.v5i2.67

The Corruption Behavior in The Behind of Fatsun Leadership of Kiai in The Region of Madura, Indonesia

Faculty of Law Madura, University Pamekasan
Faculty of Law Madura University Pamekasan

(*) Corresponding Author

Local government Leadership Corruption Fatsun Kiai


New corruption of the autonomous regions take a place, so that the government is unable to control the regional government. This is because the lack of supervision in the area during this is becoming the main factors a trigger regional heads to conduct corruption, and abuse of authority behind legitimacy leadership kiai. In addition, people in the they felt unable to be afraid to monitor and regional leaders, because it is still of cling values trach kiai. Hence, regional head lost his control. Local government administration as the base behavior corruption behind legitimacy leadership kiai because some respects, namely: (1) of the lack of supervision of the central government towards the regional government. (2) the the breadth of affairs which is the authority of the regional government. (3) of religiousness loss of values in self leader. (4) the weak regulation criminal sanctions for investors. (5) the lack of supervision of the society to the regional government. (6) values still a cling obedience the community against the figure of kiai. While the supporters become factors behavior corruption increasingly exist in perspective regional government reversed legitimacy leadership kiai, namely: (1) an opportunity patient office / erceived opportunity. (2) desire or the will to do corruption. (3) living expenses as pressure (lavish lifestyle as a necessity / living beyond one' s means, polygamy as a cost not light, promising welfare, promising removal of civil servants for temporary, promising free health.


Corruption is a crime incredibly as planned, structured, and massif and impacts generated impoverish countries in general and the community especially. In this regard , sahetapy suggested that the emergence of this type of crime showed that it was not only the emergence of poverty become the cause of evil , but factors prosperity and luxury is motivation factor those commit a crime.

A result of corruption as a crime what is really crucial is destructive of system of order value of a nation, and a clear national retard development that have been planned. Various ways and various the form of planned by the corrupt with subjective and systematic. Because of this, it is not surprising when the commission of a crime is very public concern diberbagai countries in the worl.

Its activities in 1998 when reform have been rolled out by and when regional autonomy in 1999 characterized by a set of law, namely the birth of act Law Number 22 of 1999 Concerning Local Governments that have the changes a few times and replaced with act Law Number 23 of 2014 Concerning Local Government as the basis for the regulation of local government and freedom in the past nomination of the head of the region, The head of the region leaders in an individual in madura controlled by the Kiai, nevertheless the leadership of kiai as of regional leaders is not to impede corruption behaviour.

The society of madura in general and Pamekasan city local government go especially that the method of that one Kiai have named and obliged to followed whose colour, when the the head in an individual the regions in pamekasan city 2009 one of the guy yet of elements from the Kiai, namely KH .Kholilurrahman caretakers of Pesantren Mastrasatul huda panempan pamekasan who is also the nu figure and scholar pamekasan, the society pamekasan not too reflect long straight were chosen because they figure kiai and good role model for the society, except that he having a base a mass that is clear, namely santri-santrinya so that he selected as the winner election 2009 managed to the leader of the district administration pamekasan Madura.

In addition, the regional election what occurs in sumenep city a few years back who is now the winner is of elements from the Kiai, in the election of the year 2015 Kiai element continues to be the regional election domination in sumenep city.While in Bangkalan city at an election the head of the region last year which sit as the winner was the son of Kiai who had already led by his fathe , namely of elements from the Kiai as head of the area bangkalan city that become entangled cases of criminal acts of corruption for the operations of catch the hand that carried out by the KPK. Then in Sampang city, his leadership also of Kiai element, because the society madura still adhere to what said Kiai must be pad, followed by that is part of the society Madura, while in Pamekasan city Kiai element or religious teachers still attached at ledership as well as also were dragged out cases of corruption, the ledership election and the year 2018 in the region of Madura Kiai fixed dominated element.

Under the leadership of Kiai supposed to local government in the region of Madura clean from corruption that inhibits the development in east Jakarta Madura. That is according to the condition of Artidjo Alkostar called the phenomena of corruption act punishable political pertaining to a pattern of legal action, is not exact as the science of nature. Legal action was an act of involving the rights and obligations of sunglasses philosophy, of the nature of materiel against the law can be seen as: (a) . In an ontological manner, it means seen as the presence of the undesired such action by the public; and (b). In aksiologis, it means viewed from the perspective of the value of such action that do not match the value of decency, the value of propriety that applies in the community.

Is likely to give further the phenomena of act punishable corruption of a political shows that there has been a causal relation can be it has been reviewed in the manner of a an a priori as well as a-posteriori. In the application of god hears what the two, on the sacred printing judex factie buys the amusement of a method of think inductive, while in the case of the sacred printing judex juris is required to is not alone in thinking that special inward endowment a method of deductive. On a study political pursued a drive against corruption that occurs in some of the modern state, it can be seen that political pursued a drive against corruption has a measurable effect is much larger than with corruption in which was carried out by a person who lacks political position. An entity corruption to be provided in return political with hands the divine power. Corruption more political not cease to be in stadium to earn of maintaining and become great. From the constellation abuse of power and needs sosio-politik order, demand a the role of control commensurate with the implementation of the power.

Behavior of corruption is difficult omitted in governance in the country especially in local government anyone leader head of the region, whether of element Kiai or a person who is not kiai, behavior corruption fixed the exist.This is the problem and become study writer.

Behavior corruption likely to result in the state losses, destruction character state, destruction infrastructure, the economic meltdown, destruction perpolitikan, destruction values democracy and morality a nation, loss of public confidence in democracy, loss of public confidence in institutions countries, loss of public confidence in law enforcement, loss of public confidence in the credibility of a regional leader.

In government regions in (Bangkalan Madura district, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep) behavior corruption increasingly exist behind fatsun leadership Kiai, therefore necessary new paradigm and new methods to regulate prevention behavior corruption in legal norma-norma corruption future.

Theoretically the unbalanced between theories penal with the theory moral virture (should penal against cesspool are able to give deterrent effect, corruption is actually continuously decrease but growing and the exist, should one Kiai society groups and those who know about religion set a good example is not a good example and moral that is not goo.

In sociological perspective, being conducted by behavior by Kiai as head of government in a tangible manner regions of approach loss good to state finances and society generally of that which is has led the low values the credibility of one Kiai as the head of the region and the low values of society trust to kiai as the figure good role model for the society.

Research Method

This research method is a study of legal research. The method aims to find the principle or the doctrine of positive law. This type of research is commonly known as dogmatic study or generally known as the doctrinal research.Selection of this type of research is corresponded to the legal issues, that is the law drafted in the form of legislation designed, built and enacted by the competent institutions, so the unwritten laws that are always evolving into the development of human civilization in accordance with principles which have universal values.

The approach used in this research is theoretic approach, statute approach, conseptual approach, case approach. In addition , also used empirical data through outentic Kiai behavior and the facts that have looked in the middle of the public and media electronic social to analyze or studies a reciprocal relation between law with other social trend in this case a pattern the behavior of the people in the context of Kiai behavior of their social especially regional as head of government. The research was conducted to uncover fatsun leadership Kiai as the head of the region, and the results are presented in the form of an analytic descriptive or prescriptive analytic.

Result and Discussion

1. Regional Government Administration a s The Base Behavior Corruption Behind Fatsun Leadership Kiai

11. The Weak Supervision of Development of The Regional Governments

In general and directly the society can supervise the conduct of corruption done by each local government, but the authority to monitor the local government as normative is in DPRD having a supervisory function with the local government to any policy that done by each local government in this case the local government leadership in which a function supervision run as a representation of the people in the district. Should be society supervision able to perform to pereventiont or reduce behavior corruption as a form of courage the society correcting behavior the head of the region.

However, peroblem what happens is power (the ability/attitude pressing against the council or compromise) that was conducted by the local government leadership sometimes much higher than council itself, so that in such circumstances, council sense of inadequacy function of their supervision because the head regions having charisma or threat and others so impressed council his fear to the local government leadership. Supervision does not to find fault of the performance of the head of the region, but in order to find the act of what is not true under outcome work of the leadership as the head of the region and keep possible precaution abuse of authority).

According to Djazuli, the purpose of social control it is basically there are 3 (three) the direction of promised to supply: (1) custody as Allah, with obey the regulation of laws and rules moral, who the superintendence of practicality of not taking care of ourselves. (2). The superintendence of the community. (3) the superintendence of the government.

Supervision of local government administration aim of ensuring that there is a regional in order that the government operating effectively and efficiently according to the plan and rules designed to weed out regulation. The implementation of the supervision of local government administration the city of were coordinated by inspectorate. This is in accordance with article 1 as many points right away Law Number 46 years 2014 Concerning Local Government administration which, have a very minor role authorities from commiting such violations in accordance with its internal the government is the inspectorate general of the ministry, a unit of the supervision of government agencies while at the not ministry, inspectorate, and of the inspectorates investigation the city.

In article 1 the number 2 the Minister of Home of The Republic of Indonesia 110 2017 on policy supervision of regional government administration 2018, supervision of regional government administration is a, the act of, and activities devoted to ensure of regional government administration run in efficient and effective in accordance with regulations provisions.

Then article 4 Ministerial Regulation Republic of Indonesia Number 110 in 2017, supervision policy as the basis for the implementation of the local government administration, namely:

1. General supervision

2. Technical and supervision;

3. Regional head of the units

At the side of supervision because they feel that the statement in between local government leadership as well as their has signed off, there are also being under the immediate super which was carried out by a self relient society institution corruption both at the center and investation in who is also actively voicing the importance of the eradication of corruption, but the power of these ngos has been was also still bowed out as he lost power with power or the power of local government leadership as well as their as in bangkalan who on eventually caught also. The supervision of this model can be referred to as preventive supervision context are considered to be in the nature of prevent does not happen abuse of authority.

The condition of the lack of supervision of the society both and indirectly was put to good use by the to behave corruption within his leadership, however the ability to wrap behavior corruption behind fatsun leadership Kiai, so eventually/known as dropped by the commission, and this is the repressive, because basically behavior corruption is an action that not be allowed by god and action that feasible and worth doing in views of perspective principle of good governance (AUPB) and could be described as deeds abuse. In the results research conducted by Nadir , than it was said to be an action which is in contrast to the values ofGeneral Principles of Good Governance (AUPB).

1.2. The Breadth of Matters That Local Government Has The Authority

Paradigm of the purpose of the autonomy that used by the maker of the Law Number 32 of 2004 is is emphasized structural efficiency than local democracy. It is really is a response to the implementation of the act Law Number 22 of 1999 which weak in the span of structural control, where decentralization in the practice of understood them area as structural relations of, the role of governor did not considered, and the regions tend to capriciously apply autonomy. In a conceptual manner, the application of a model, structural efficiency is has led to the reduction of degrees of regional autonomy of the local berkebalikan by the application of a model democracy.

If within Law Number 22 of 1999 regions have the authority to manage natural resources, in the Law Number 32 of 2004 it managed joint between the central government and local (article 2 paragraph 4 and 5). In the utilization of natural resources, article 60 paragraph 3 states that funds for the use of natural resources derived from: (1) of forestry; (2) acceptance public mining; (3) acceptance fisheries; (4) oil revenues; (5) the gas and mining; (6) acceptance mining geothermal.

Obligatory function for of governmental authority the district/city level is the business of scale district includes: (a) and managing development. Planning (b, the utilization of, spatial planning and supervision. (c) the administration of public order and peace the community. (d) providing facilities and public facilities. (e) handling the health sector. (f) the implementation of education. (g) the handling of a social issue. (h) employment services. (i) facilitating the development of cooperatives, small and medium enterprises. (j) the control environment. (k) land services. (l) demography services, and civil registration. (m) government public administration services. (n) investment administration services. (o) the administration of other basic service; and (p) must do business of other mandated by legislation.

However, after issued the Law number 23 years 2014 Concerning Local Government as a substitute for Law Number 32 years 2004 Concerning Local Government to government affairs konkuren that is compulsory and choice.

Matters that governments often need to pertaining to basic service set in article 11 of act Law Number 23 year 2014 Concerning Local Government asserted:

(1) Administrative matters is konkuren as in intent in article 9 paragraph (3) which is under the authority of an area composed of subdivided administrative matters obliged and administrative matters choice .

(2) Matters is governments often need to as referred to in paragraph (1) shall consist of the administrative affairs which pertaining to basic services and administrative matters that is not attributable to basic service .

(3) Administrative matters is obligatory pertaining to ministry of association as referred to in paragraph (2) is no concern of governments often need to which a significant number of its substance is basic service.

Arrest the head of the district last year 2014 Bangkalan Madura 2 on tuesday 12 early morning show strong corruption in the local government, and the caught on Pamekasan is a form of behavior that out of fatsun Kiai as leaders. This proved the authority given a central to local authorities. Yet for all its authority the object to the faster provide welfare to the autonomous regions, but on the other hand, that is the abuse the act of loosening licensing relating to maritime lead mining and corruption. For that reason, article 14 Law Number 23 year 2014 Concerning Administrative Matters in the forestry sector, marine, and energy and mineral resources are divided between the central government and the provinces, but regarding the management of oil and gas are under the authority of the central government.

The arrival of Law Number 23 years 2014 on local government administration which as a substitute for undang-undang number 32 years 2004 Concerning Local Government administration which is able to provide a controlling indicating how authority has been entrusted is under the authority of konkuren potentials in the economic sector, so the security and flanking by the governor as representatives of the central government can be carried out optimally.

Function guidance and supervision often practiced as a form of restraint to regional. More ironically, as presented Syamsuddin have to (2005) a function supervision and development central to regional often to the the bureaucrats and officials the central government, through socialization activities and consultation (such as consultation the determination of APBD and changes of local budget).

On the other hand there are factors affecting the regional autonomy and to determine the prospect of regional autonomy in the future is as follows:

  1. The human factor as the subject locomotion (factors dynamic);
  2. Factors financial was the backbone of for the implementation of government activities the example ability of / self suuporting;
  3. Factors equipment is means of support for the implementation of government activities regions;
  4. Factors organization manajement (without the ability of the organization and manajement adequate, of regional government administration cannot be done well, effective and efficient)

1.3. Loss of Values Religiousness Science Within Leade

Behavior corruption exercised by someone seen from the perspective of a religious, basically due to loss of values religion in itself, in this case of faith values and faith as the servants of god muslim. Religion not able to make castle myself from behave corruption. Muslim they have taught that over clear and haram-pun also vividly and among them is subhat (something not known to halal-haramnya, but closer to already been explicitly forbidden). Behavior corruption is what is also in category banned by religious because in same principle by theft in scale or scope broader scope though steal money or property satu-persatu others.

May be in the assumption the corruption steal state money from the corruption same think the innocent than stole the money people in general, because if stole the money people it was much more feel dirty, but and make state money via means of corruption probably no more feel like money result of making with a way that is not valid according to both norm of religios, state law, and according to adate law.

A legal action is valid when way or the based on the regulation that applied and based on his authority and in accordance with Principle of Good Government (AUPB. Behavior corruption is a what done by means of unlawfully in his position as state officials. This condition is included in abuse of authority, where authority is used for other purposes than the interests of are predetermined in in the regulation, namely corruption.

Abuse of authority conducted by regional leaders put it is a form of authority legitimage attached to him, so the authority owned used best to enrich themselves, the family, others and / or corporation.

1.4. The Weak Regulation Criminal Sanctions For The Act

Criminal sanctions prison and deprivation of the rights taken by pity for political corruption it turns out that does not make the head of the region in particular and state officials generally the effort to impede engaging in corruption. This can be proved since 1998 reform have been rolled out by the corrupt is not when it is running out but there has been increased and some large cases have not unfold has the KPK receives, officials are not only there in the central level, corruption entering the region of regional officials including, the regent head.

Even criminal sanctions prison and the lifting of political rights and deprivation of of the items corruption and the payment of fine imposed by a court of criminal acts of corruption to the defendant cases of corruption is not create a deterrent effect and was considered weak, so as an alternative new the corruption suitable and right subject to criminal sanctions die like drug cases. Corruption in Indonesia worthy of set as an incident and state of being incredible and emergency, as a consequence of the from corruption it makes the state of not capable of carry the vision of the become a prosperous and the country that clean as well as authoritative.

In this regard, Azhari suggested that the causes of merejalelanya of corruption is because:

  1. Weakness in the control countries concerning officials. This can be viewed from the side of cooperation between good between who inspects and were tested, although there was already the body that special respond financial monitoring the state such as the bpk and other bodies, but often they easily set to look clean because the carom corrupt and quot in depth the government officials.
  2. Different legal treatment may be seen when government officials involved corruption, they tried to cover each other cases of corruption
  3. Casually legal sanction as well can be seen from the nominal value of billions of which they corrupt from of state wealth for two months running by the prison for several year program was. See the comparison in your snitch several tens of thousands of the money which is punishable by a long time.

1.5. These Constraints h as b een The Values o f Society Discipline To Against The Figure of Kiai

Selection of their governor in Madura in domination by figure Kiai as head of the Pamekasan area well suited to to become a model to produce the head of the region that has the capacity, the competency and high integrity, not to produced the leader who behaves corruption. This is because relating to concupiscence regional autonomy which are in building and ensure the welfare of their peoples in the region. The role of the head the region badly have a large influence on progress and regional welfare. Kiai element as head of regional governments must have the courage to give priority to the interests of the people other than give priority to the personal interests of their, the family and the people of the, and every his actions must be able to acuntability legally , moral and religious.

However, hope is far from the wishes of the fact. It can be proven by set some leader government Madura the KPK receives as of an offender of criminal acts of corruption. This has led to the crisis confidence in the leader government as head of the area behind fatsun leadership Kiai in Madura.

The leadership as local government of a figure of Kiai is leadership that feared by the society Madura eventhough indisposition of is not absolute, but the majority of the Madura / obedient to the figure of Kiai is in. Observance of the society as a Kiai leadership as the head of the region was because several factors, namely:

  1. Because the value of the trach descendants of Kiai best known who, so the society becomes adherent or obey .
  2. The teachers, that they are still teachers they Kiai.
  3. The value of this scientific that she had from the
  4. Value of neutrality or did not participate in a cadre or political party leadership.

On the other hand the value of obedience the society to be collapse or faded against the figure of Kiai, for some factors the absolute even if it does not, namely:

  1. The entry of Kiai to spark a political party good sit as leader or as kaders party.
  2. Polygamy conducted one Kiai causing a diminution the credibility of a figure of a Kiai, because almost all womankind not wish.
  3. What deviates from a norm religion, discretion , civility and a norm state law

B. Factors That Influence Behavior Of Corruption Is Getting Exist In Government Perspective The Area Behind Fatsun Leadership Kiai

1. Opportunities in carry office of factors affect behavior corruption the exist in perspective government the area behind fatsun leadership Kiai

In be a couple of Mubyarto, in general corruption was stuffed into a person as a political issue, because it involved abuse (misuse) the broad range of powers the public which had bought (the public report on basic power) for the personal interests. But as for in a society Indonesia he from the point of view as a matter of culture is this is the reason why in a system of cultural values Indonesia to harass and trouble and refuse shut your mind against the boundary between the broad range of powers by the public and the personal interests of their.

If the impact is considered of the eyeglasses the theory of political science, but his people gave no all events to give a a bribe is considered to be bad or constituting of the scandals of the. If those had really been proved to be true that the installation of palapa 1976 year trying to agree an agenda to several government officials Indonesia benefited from bribes paid, so from the perspective of the theory are still normal that if they are unable perhaps torment yourself to death there is a type of bribe Indonesia it had yet to be in a relationship with comunication a being of any good as you do today will.

One of the factors that affects regional leader made of criminal acts of corruption Fatsun behind should show the same leadership that we are doing kiai is the existence of the chance in officials could lose their positions. Available opportunities he said is well with my soul for practicing teachers kiai as the head of the region capable of being thrusting or impelling if you hate them it is well with my soul pursued a drive against corruption. The chance in knows very well where this title can be considered a couple of things:

  1. The fact that there are opportunity and a desire to deliberately and knowingly practice committing.
  2. There have been instances of an object that is were targeted to benefit from to corrupt.
  3. The weakness of the values social control.

Corruption is a form of behavior norms an act that violates state law and caused financial loss to the state. Meaning caused financial loss to the state is the reduction in a treasury the state. In this regard, Komariah suggested that the law number 31 of 1999 adheres to the concept of the state a loss in the sense of delik formil. Can element caused financial loss to the state, should be interpreted to harming the country in the sense of directly or indirectly. It means, a automatic action can be considered caused financial loss to the state when this course of action has the potential to cause losses to the state.

While the law number 1 of 2004 Concerning the use of state treasury article 1 the number 22 loss state / regional is short of money, securities, and goods, a clear and the number as a result committed an illegal action either intentionally and negligent. Even if the opportunity were brought into being and enables the holder to perform of criminal acts of corruption, but not supported by eagerness to resort to of criminal acts of corruption, so behavior corruption does not happen.

According to a study done cressey before (in the context of problems cheating, cursive writer) agents cheating always have a chance and knowledge to commits iniquity. Association certified his examiner (ACFE) report to the nation (RTTNs) when do the study also found that the employees and the managers who has working period that old commits iniquity. This is because they are very understanding the state of real a company so they know the weakness of the system internal control and a the science which enough to what they do can work out well.

Nevertheless the main cause any chance is situated on internal control .With to a weakness or even tiadanya internal control provide opportunities for creative cheating to commit a crime. Must be paid attention that commission treadway (usa now named coso and the committee of sponsoring organizations has respond to the cheating related to saving and loan and various scandal occurring in usa in the 1980s .The committee concluded that preventing main against an onset cheating is with the internal control system strong, and yielding internal control according to a model COSO, then combined to conduct audits finances (financial auditing technical literature) as statement of auditing standards (SAS) number 78 about consideration of internal control in a financial statement audit.

Then the sarbanes-oxley act (SOX) bring the focus on evaluation carried out by the annual against audits of internal control by the management of by the ordeal of a an opinion/opinion that is independent of evaluation conducted by an auditor financial report made available here (section 404 of the of act aelig a plants). If the goal of the SOX is to should be made to minimize the occurrence of all that is wrong then audits of internal control was an effective way to achieve this aim. The risks of iniquity will rampant from day to day when the management did not give to pay serious attention against the importance of audits of internal control. When fused in the flame motivation of the creation was in with a chance of then the alternative as well as other factors would increase as a result the willful injustice of oppressors. On the contrary the a lot of the weaknesses that exist of firefighter in controlling so the level of the need to motivation of the creation was that is required for the commits perverseness and iniquity playing less and less of.

An opportunity would cause the animal to someone commits perverseness and iniquity, to hide it, or avoid being punished are the dorsal elements in the second of a triangle the willful injustice of oppressors. There have been at least 5 (five) factors that increasing the opportunities for individuals to do the willful injustice of oppressors in an organization (including in the reigns of, a simplified cursive writer). Each of the five factors in is as follows:

  1. A lack of a stunning piece of control can help prevent and/or detect behavior fraudulent in weighing and measuring.
  2. Inability to judge quality of performance.
  3. Lack of acces to information.
  4. Ignorance, apathy, and incapacity.
  5. Lack of an audit trail.

2. The Will Or The Ability To Behave Corruption

Aside from the issue of chance as an one part locomotion regional leader made of corruption, which is factors desire or its capacity to corruption. If there is a strong desire to commit a criminal act corruption, so corruption happened. But instead, a strong desire but not supported with the opportunities that, so corruption does not occur.Will it come for supported with power that is legal power and legal authority who are the head of the region.

In this regard, Bologna and Lindquist in the Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1995) mention: “Some people are honest all the time, some people (fewer than the honest ones) are dishonest all the time, most people are honest all the time, and some people are honest most of the time”.

Although there are many ways to commits perverseness and iniquity , in general there is 3 (three) an essential ingredient that causes someone to commits perverseness and iniquity, namely: (1) perceived pressure, (2) perceived opportunity, and (3) some way to rationalize the fraud as acceptable.

If an examination is made well and would result in all speed and exactness a problem the corruption in local government administration which, there is no guarantee on the back of the fatsun leadership that we are doing kiai out in every way for corruption. It was proven by the the case of the former head of Bangkalan, the head of local goverment Pamekasan behavior corruption homes exacerbating an already dire when program will be also held entirely disregarding their personal interests, and the needs of the demanding his resignation were those companies were constantly suffering opportunity .

According to Wahyudi Kumorotomo, there are several element dominant inherent in the act of subverting, namely:

  1. Every corruption comes to power delegated ((delegated power, derived power).)Actors corruption is that gained power or authority from state and use it in the interest of another.
  2. Corruption involving a dual function of contradictory government officials did it
  3. Corruption conducted for the purpose of party self interest, hence it is contrary to the interests of the organization, interests of a country, the public interest.
  4. Investors usually trying to betray his corruption.
  5. Corruption is a conscious and deliberate by the culprit. In this case there is no the links between the act of corrupt with capacity rational culprit. Thus, corruption can distinguished by clear mal-administrasi or (mis-management).

3 Expenses a s Pressure Life

3.1. As a form o f the needs of fancy lifestyle

The pattern of lead a luxurious life that have been undertaken by the head of the region a little or many as will causing or favoring a man has committed corruption. Patten life it is going to basically have a lot of luxury schemes can be categorized as of social behavior that deviates in which of social behavior someone it would be very there seems to be a when he interact with others (Located in a situation or environment who demanded to patterned live like that) .

Behavior corruption as of social behavior that deviates is a nature relatively deviates from a norm, essentially and perfectly morally good a norm the law and a norm the religion of, may in fact become a to ensure no a norm adat experts in local customs preventing the country behavior in the Indonesian economy although pursued a drive against corruption. If the pattern of lead a luxurious life not brought under control, and so what happens is is for corruption.

3.2. Poligami As A Form Of Cost Not Ligh

After having the first wife it was someone who has office there is a tendency powerful to married more than one, after marriage second time (polygamy) will have great responsibility from all aspects living needs especially financial. The condition that is will create pressure situation significant will test faith and rectitude someone not to do corruption in public office.

Polygamy or has a wife more than one is one factor regional leader made of criminal acts of corruption, because you fear that you will need cost not light to be excreted every month and some every day. If civil servants salary and allowances not adequate to give rise in cost to live every his months is cut off in the context of providing the welfare of, then the road be taken in this event is for corruption. Corruption is a the form of which is being undertaken to bring forth on the day for self advancement, another person, or to the national land agency civil code of the republic / organization in the procedure treacherously with the lord their.

In view of Mubyarto, corruption on economic issues that draws researchers economy, because corruption is a shift from model price the government into a model free market. Allocation mechanism centralized which is the form modern bureaucracy ideal, can be destroyed if addressing the imbalance a demand and a supply serious.

Behavior corruption on the back of the fatsun leadership that we are doing Kiai as the head of the regions is a new model for to which one has previously has never been done he, the reason being that kiai before the job of treasurer as the head of the region, him as the people to manage them the nations of the world, leaders of the ruling congress in Pesantren, and he as heir on the the prophets in perspective cause of god and the of justice in the world.

The Kiai it rebounded into the net in politics a six and a half of the autonomous regions and restore and reinstate him because of some factors, namley:

  1. The reformation of the years 1998 who prosecutes there have been any changes in all fields (political, social, the us culture and the enforcement of the laws)
  2. Formal legal on the one hand that regulates of regional government administration the regions to demand autonomous.
  3. The principle of democracy who lays the people be the owner as well whom ultimate sovereignty is in the reigns. When election of heads of regional was so far applied by in a democratic manner, so the peaple including Kiai could nominate had himself sworn in as a contestant in the local elections was as a result of which win because of the, in nature democracy the direct election are only needed 2 (two) capital, (1) has a mass, (2) having political rise in cost as an investment political, and in the morning it the winner) .
  4. The existence of the stigma of a type of negative against previous administrations making public who were judged to be type of negative is in the lead the regions .

3.3. Promising Welfare, Promising Removal Of Civil Servants For Honorarium, And Promise Free Health

Promise something in an electoral campaign the head of the regions is things conventional is performed by a prospective the head of the region in almost every campaign by the purpose of compelling sympathy and empathy a constituent so as to be in an election he was elected the head of the region, one of these is the has promised to give the welfare, has promised to give civil servant of the appointment of the labor fair non permanent civil servant directly, free health has made the promise. Quite a few however, hopes in a campaign it will be reduced to foolish useless godless and many of whom do not been possible to be conducted, because it is impossible to be embodied in west java underwent the process a reasonably short time 5 (five) years, result of this is that with the authority being of her comeback has been, he acted beyond the narrow limits of wealth while you know in which the action of was enough to give corrupt. The issue regarding the land promised to make by public is a thing real price of copra limited only to inform in accordance with capability and in the regions, because of the essence of regional autonomy is to build the welfare of the community of the autonomous regions and gave him the testimony the optimum service in rsud for regional society.


According to disassemble above, it can be summed up as follows: (1) Local government administration and base behavior corruption behind fatsun leadership Kiai increasingly exist, because some respects, namely: (i) The lack of supervision the central government to local governments (ii) The breadth of the affairs of the world is under the authority of the regional government (iii) Loss of religiousness values in leader. (iv) The lack of law in giving criminal sanctions for corrupt; (v) To the lack of supervision of the community towards the regional government. (vi) Attached of values obedience the society for the figure of Kiai. (2) Factors affect behavior corruption increasingly exist in perspective local government behind fatsun leadership Kiai, namely: (i) An opportunity to enter into officials could lose their positions. (ii ) Desire or the ability to engaging in corruption. (iii) the needs of as a pressure of live (as a form of the needs of fancy lifestyle, polygamy as a form of cost not light, promised welfar, promised removal of civil servants for paid by honorarium, health and promise free).


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