Turn on the Living Law: The Construction and Implications of Living Law in Ratification of Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) Menghidupkan Living Law: Konstruksi dan Implikasi Living Law dalam Pengesahan Rancangan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (RKUHP)
- Living Law,
- Customary Norms,
- Criminal Law Reform,
Copyright (c) 2022 Musmuliady, Jubair, Aminuddin Kasim (Author)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Legal provisions that live in society are one of the controversial provisions in the ratification of the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP). That is because the law in the community is related to legal values written and unwritten in society. This study aims to analyze the legal aspects of culture in RKUHP. This research is normative legal research that puts forward legal issues on the implications of legal arrangements regarding living law in the RKUHP and focuses on using a conceptual and statutory approach. The results of the study confirm that the construction of living law in the community (living law) in the RKUHP, which emphasizes that the living law is customary law, is also formulated simultaneously with the regional role in establishing regional regulations based on the substance of local customary law. In addition, the construction of regional rules to accommodate Article 2 of the RKUHP to regulate the importance of customary law raises legal ambiguity, namely regional rules at the provincial or regency/city level that have the authority to regulate them; so that there is no disharmony of customary law arrangements in the formulation of regional regulations as a follow-up to Article 2 RKUHP. Furthermore, the legal implications related to living law arrangements in the RKUHP, namely the lack of clarity in Article 2 of the RKUHP, including the need for regulation at the regional level through regional regulations, have the potential to cause criminalization based on regional principles
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